Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 7 - Court Date #2

We were hoping to be writing with good news and going out for a celebratory dinner. Unfortunately, this is not the case. We had our court appointment at 4 p.m. and again did not receive a favorable ruling. We could tell things were not going well from the start. The court demanded that the baby house director attend the proceedings to address the court's concerns about how many other families have seen Deanna. The law requires that local families have first dibs, and the baby house had only documented two families that had seen and rejected her. The court was questioning if these families were real or made up.

Court did not start until 5:15 p.m. The baby house director went first and confirmed that two local families did see and reject Deanna. The judge seemed happy with that. Then DA was at it again, arguing that two is not enough, and that more local families must see and reject her. The law does not specify a required number of rejections and the baby house felt that two documented rejections was enough.

The judge then asked if we had anything to say. We were stunned, hoping today would just be a formality since the mother showed on Friday and we understood that to be the only issue. But saying nothing would have been very bad, so I stood up and started. I said that Deanna was a Kazakh girl by nationality, but also a Kurdish minority with a Russian father. She had been rejected by her mother, family, and community, and no local families will want her given her ethnicity. But we want her as our daughter, and love her with all her hearts. And that we will provide a loving family and great future for her, while she has no future here. This is all true, and we know the judge knows it. But it seems this is more a matter of politics than logic.

We then reiterated our request, expecting a decision right there as promised.

Instead, the judge said she would make the final decision Thursday at 3:00 p.m. After court, they said we could leave tomorrow as planned and have Natalia represent us on Thursday. And the court administrator tried to make us sign a paper saying that we had received the decision already. She argued that we must sign since we were leaving. We refused and said we're staying.

Before our court appointment, we had about 30 minutes with Nina to say goodbye before our planned flight tomorrow morning. I held her close and looked deeply into those big, dark brown eyes. She stared back at me and I promised her that we would return to her and bring her home no matter what the judge said today. I know she could not understand the words, but I believe her heart heard me.

Please pray that God allows us to deliver on that promise on Thursday. In the meantime, we're licking our wounds and preparing a final statement for Thursday while Natalia tries to work some magic with her contacts in the background.


  1. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. I am so sorry you are going through this and I'm praying for a great outcome to this. Please let me know if there is anything we can do.
    Greg & Becki

  2. Guys - I am heartsick. I am so so sorry to see your update. I am in work but will email later when I have more time.

    Big time hugs flying your way, I am praying.

    You are far away in miles but not in thoughts, we are all with you virtually. Hang tough. Everything crossed the judge will see sense on Thursday.


  3. I am just shocked. I thought when I got the update that the ruling would be in your favor as it should be...I will keep praying. Yesterday while I was running I dedicated a mile to sweet Nina.

  4. We are praying for you. We know that God will deliver. Praying big prayers for you and Nina!

  5. I sit here with tears in my eyes....My heart goes out to both of you...Not what I expected to hear today...Still praying and believing that God will deliver this special and precious gift into your hands...Do not lose faith Rich and Monte continue to trust!!!

  6. Monte, I am Sheila's mom and I want you to know I am praying for you and Rich. I have contacted friends and family to pray also! We serve a mighty God and I know He can turn this all around in your favor in an instant. We are all praying for Him to intervene on your behalf.

  7. I remember the fear when things started going sideways in court for my adoption and having the decision drag out and feeling helpless to do anything. But as everyone else has said, it's God who will be making this decision and all the sour DAs in the world won't stop Him from doing what's right for you and your family. From all your pictures and videos it's clear Nina is meant for you even if you have to fight a little harder to bring her home. God is with you!

    Our prayers and thoughts are with you.
    Lou Ann & Lexie too

  8. You can count on our heartfelt and urgent prayers that the judge will grant a favorable decision.

    Best wishes.

  9. I was so sorry to read that today didn't go as we all had hoped. Please know I am praying for all of you that Thursday will bring happy news.

  10. Oh my gosh....so much has changed since our travels to Kaz. ( Karakastek) in 2003 ~ our DA was tough, but nothing like this and we had a decision rendered on the first day of court.

    I am heartsick for you all but absolutely believe your love and dedication for this sweet baby girl will provide a way to bring her home; my prayers go out to you all during this trying time.

    I love that you stood and spoke directly from the heart in court today; I believe the judge will intuit this & act accordingly on Thursday by ruling in your favor.

    I have not followed your entire journey but am closely doing so now. Please know you are not alone ~ a whole community of families blessed with Kaz. cuties stands behind you ~ and with you.

    Mama to Lauren & Tyler

  11. We are praying for you, and that God would soften the hearts of everyone involved. God is in Control. We love you
    Tom and Wendee Turner

  12. Consider it wholly joyful, my brethen, whenever you are enveloped in or encounter trials of any sort or fall into various temptations. Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience. James 1:2-4
    The devil cannot control a patient man/woman.
    Love you both,
    Aunt Pam

  13. Rich and Monte,

    A plan of attack for Thursday:

    Explain to the judge your passion and knowledge of music, then show her the video of Nina. She will have "No Doubt" it is a match made in heaven!

    Hope everything goes well Thursday!


  14. I have been praying for you guys all day. I was so sad to hear this news. God is mighty, He is in control! I will keep on praying!

  15. We're continuing to pray for you guys. Elizabeth loved the video of Nina "dancing" and asked to watch it again & again. Remember that ALL things work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Our God is a God who loves adoption and will be standing there with you in court again on Thursday. Hold strong and keep loving that darling little girl!

  16. You guys HANG TOUGH! We all will continue to pray till we get that little girl HOME! God bless you both!

  17. Rich and Monte, Stay strong. You are doing all of the right things. I am glad to see you are staying for the court dates. I am sure your next post will be filled with great news.
